Express Circuits Group
20-22 Roman Way
B46 1HQ
- +44 (0) 1675 464884
© Copyright 2023 Express Circuits Group. Web Design by Voodoo-Ray
Express Circuits has a Capability that covers a wide range of Technologies and Market Sectors.
For Engineering and Manufacturing
A set of Manufacturing Outputs should clearly state the part number and the issue status. To ensure that the correct part is always manufactured then please ensure all changes to your design result in a up issue of your data. All manufacturing files submitted for quotation should be marked as for quotation purposes only. The data pack supplied should contain at least the following
Most fabricators will prefer the ODB format as they are intelligent, containing an embedded Netlist along with the parameters for the required separate drill files. All layers should be marked with a sequential layer ladder and supplied in a positive format with ground and power planes flashed and not drawn. Deliberate CAD Net shorts or opens should be clearly stated as such.
If you wish to supply a Gerber file then please include a separate Netlist and ensure you create Separate NC Drill files in an Excellon Format for each set of drill connections i.e. global, buried and each set of microvias, pth and npth.
Have you considered a traffic light system for your BoM
All parts which are completely generic can be marked as green
All parts where an alternative supplier/manufacturer may be offered marked as amber
All parts which are completely manufacturer/supplier specific marked as red
All parts where you have supported pricing require to be marked as such
e.g. C of C, UL and IPC-A-600 Class 2
Express Circuits Group
20-22 Roman Way
B46 1HQ
© Copyright 2023 Express Circuits Group. Web Design by Voodoo-Ray